Six (6) Common Habits that can hold a Christian back from Success and Progress


Some common habits and behaviors often hinder our progress on the path to success. These habits, whether rooted in procrastination, self-doubt, or any other practice can act as formidable hindrances to our aspirations.


Some common habits and behaviors often hinder our progress on the path to success. These habits, whether rooted in procrastination, self-doubt, or any other practice can act as formidable hindrances to our aspirations. 

Below are 6 of these common habits that can hinder our progress.

1. Procrastination

Putting things off until the last minute or not doing them at all can prevent us from achieving our goals. It can lead to missed opportunities and increased stress.


Proverbs 13:4 (NKJV) - "The soul of a lazy man desires, and has nothing; But the soul of the diligent shall be made rich."

2. Negative self-talk or thinking

If we constantly focus on the negative aspects of a situation, we may miss out on opportunities or become discouraged. Believing that we are not capable or deserving of success can limit our potential and undermine our confidence.


Proverbs 18:21 (NKJV) - "Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit."

3. Lack of focus

Getting distracted by unimportant tasks or constantly switching between tasks can reduce productivity and hinder progress. Without a clear sense of direction or purpose, it can be difficult to make progress and achieve success. Proverbs 4:25-26 teach us to be focused in all that we do and remain steadfast in them.

4. Distractions

Distraction is one of the dangerous killers of goals. It's one of the cankers of today's society, negatively affecting many Christians. We are constantly distracted by social media, games, TV shows, email, or other activities, preventing us from focusing on salient tasks. Sometimes, we may not be doing the wrong thing, but the time of that activity may make it wrong. Martha was doing the right thing, but at the wrong time (Luke 10:40).

5. Indiscipline

Without the discipline to follow through on your commitments and work towards your goals, it will be difficult to achieve success. Failing to establish and maintain good habits and routines can lead to inconsistency and lack of progress. The Christian must keep good habits and practices like quiet time, Bible study, consistent prayers, and others in order to grow and succeed. It may not be easy, but the end results is glorious (Hebrews 12:11).

6. Resistance to change

There are Christians who love to stay in their comfort zones. Others, for the fear of the unknown and lack of understanding of God's promises, tend to resist change. Being resistant to change can prevent us from adapting to new circumstances and taking advantage of new opportunities. God advises us to forget the former things and not dwell in the past because He's doing new things for us (Isaiah 43:18-19). 

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