The Error we make regarding Greatness


As Christian ministers, it is important to note that greatness is not measured by quantity. At times, we create the narrative that a minister with several branches or riches is greater than the one with a single or few branches with few members. Rather, the one with many has more responsibility. Responsibility is not the same as greatness. Even though in a school of thought, one can link the two.

The Christian Minister must know this.

Matthew 20:26 (NIV)

"Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant."


As Christian ministers, it is important to note that greatness is not measured by quantity.
At times, we create the narrative that a minister with several branches or riches is greater than the one with a single or few branches with few members. Rather, the one with many has more responsibility. Responsibility is not the same as greatness. Even though in a school of thought, one can link the two.
However, it would be a wrong approach for us to use such, as our yardstick to measure greatness.

(a) In ministry, the work belongs to God, and the Lord determines the size of work allocated to a man.
Therefore, the primary concern of each worker is faithfulness to what has been given.

(b) The Location of labour is determined by God.
For a pastor posted to a rural community of about 1,000 population with existing churches, when he plants a church, certainly, he will not be able to have a huge congregation simply because;

1. Not all persons in the community are Christians.

2. Those who attend church are already shared across existing churches. So it will be a false expectation to think you can have a 1000 membership in such a village.

(c) Demographics
Population sizes differ from country to country, which also means it will have an effect on the size of the congregation by ministers in that region.
In order not to be discontent with what God has given you, a pastor must realize that population differs from one country to another.
For example, one state in America can have over 20 million citizens.

Therefore, it stands to reason with consideration of all religions. It is possible for a church to sit 20,000 at a go or even have a total congregation size of 25,000.

However, in a country such as Rwanda with a small population size, it is unrealistic to think of one church, even in the capital sitting at 100,000. Equally, there are other churches, and not all the population subscribes to Christianity.

a) It prevents competition.
b) It fosters collaboration.
c) It encourages faithfulness.
d) It keeps us from being envious.
e) We can rejoice with everyone as they labour and grow.
f) It contributes to our general spiritual health as believers.


Written by: Edward Agyeman 


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