Face your Giant As David Did


When we want to talk about how we can deal with giants in our lives, the story that comes to mind is the story of David and Goliath. Of course, that's the story we would turn to since it has so much to teach us.

When we want to talk about how we can deal with giants in our lives, the story that comes to mind is the story of David and Goliath. Of course, that's the story we would turn to since it has so much to teach us.
Growing up in our Sunday Schools, we heard about how fascinating this story of David and Goliath was. Because we weren't grown enough to understand life and its issues, we treated it as just a story. But as we grow up and begin to encounter giants - those seemingly insurmountable challenges and fears looming over us, we have to look at this story again. Because in it will we draw inspiration from and find a path to face and overcome these giants with faith and courage.

Know the Giant taunting you

It's important that you first recognize that giant that has been taunting you for too long. Be it fear, personal struggle, difficult situation, despair, family issues, finances, or any obstacle that seems too big to handle. You cannot fight or face unseen things. It will be difficult to do that unless they are first seen or acknowledged.

David saw Goliath when he came to greet his brothers in the battle line because he stepped out of his line and started defiling them. David heard it and was displeased by his constant defiances. That began his quest to face and destroy him. (1 Kings 17:23,32)

To face your giant, first recognize it and bring it to the forefront of your mind.

Remind yourself of God's Faithfulness

Reminding yourself of God's faithfulness towards you in some time past will help you gain confidence to face your giant because you know He will help you again. Reflect on the moments when you saw His mighty hand at work in your life. David recalled his victories over the lion and the bear (1 Samuel 17:34-37). That gave him the confidence to stand before Goliath, knowing that God would help him defeat the giant.

Depending on God's Strength

Don't try fighting with your own strength, or else you'll lose because we wrestle not with flesh and blood but with spiritual powers. Trust in God's power. The man whose strength is in the Lord is blessed. (Psalm 84:5)

David didn't rely on his strength but trusted in the strength and power of God. He said to Goliath, "All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”(1 Samuel 17:47). In the same way, trust that God is with you and will provide the strength and wisdom you need to face your challenge.

Arm Yourself with Spiritual Weapons

David didn't put his trust in Saul's armour. Rather, he trusted in the Spiritual armour of God because it is not carnal but mighty to pull down strongholds. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) He had his staff, five smooth stones, and his sling (1 Samuel 17:40), which in his hands physically look insignificant but spiritually are mighty weapons to defeat Goliath. Similarly, equip yourself with spiritual tools: Faith (staff - which symbolizes God's Power and Authority. Our faith ignites the power of God), Scripture (stones), and Prayer (the sling to catapult the scriptures we speak and confess).

Boldly Face Your Giant

Don't run away from your challenges and fears. They may only appear so huge that they seem unconquerable. But the truth is that they are conquerable. Confront them boldly as David did. David didn't run from Goliath; he ran towards the battle line to meet him and applied his weapons (1 Samuel 17:48, 49). Face your giant with courage. Avoidance only prolongs fear, but confronting your challenge directly, with God’s help, brings victory. 

As you face your situation, speak words of faith over it. Declare God's promises and anticipate the victory He will bring. David declared his faith, stating that God would deliver Goliath into his hands (1 Samuel 17:46). Surely, God did that as David envisioned.

Glorify God for the Victory

Whenever you pray, you must believe that God has answered and has given you victory for what you prayed for. So, remember to always give Him thanks for the victory. When David defeated Goliath, he gave glory to God (1 Samuel 17:50). When you overcome your giant, remember to thank God and give Him the glory for the victory.

Face your giant as David did. Don't be afraid, but be courageous. With God by your side, no giant is too great to be defeated.


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